How to Add/Modify/Delete DNS Records in DirectAdmin
1 min read

How to Add/Modify/Delete DNS Records in DirectAdmin

Note: When viewing DNS records in DirectAdmin, the full stop in a hostname record depicts the end of the record.

Using the image below, the record name ‘www’ is equivalent to writing ‘’

DNS Records in DirectAdmin

Follow these steps to add, modify or delete DNS Records in DirectAdmin:

1. Log in to your DirectAdmin account.

For instructions on logging in to your DirectAdmin account

Screenshot: DirectAdmin Control Panel Login

2. Under Account Manager, click DNS Management.

Screenshot: Account Manager Section in DirectAdmin Highlighting 'DNS Management' Icon

3. A page will open with a list of existing DNS records.

To Add a New Record:

4a. Click the Add Record button.

Screenshot: DNS Management Page in DirectAdmin Highlighting the 'Add Record' Button

4b. Fill out the form, then click the Add button. (You can change the record type on the dropdown box if required.)

Screenshot: Add Record Form in DirectAdmin
To Modify Existing Records:

5a. Search for the DNS record in the list, and click the pencil icon for the record you want to modify.

Screenshot: DNS Record List from DirectAdmin Highlighting 'Modify' Icon

5b. Once you have updated the DNS record, click the Save button.

Screenshot: Edit Record Form in DirectAdmin
To Delete Existing Records:

6a. Search for the DNS record in the list, and click the checkbox for the record you want to delete.

Screenshot: DNS Records List in DirectAdmin Highlighting Checkboxes

6b. Click the Delete button.

Screenshot: DNS Records List Highlighting 'Delete' Button for Selected Record

6c. A window will pop up; click the DELETE button to confirm the removal of the record.

Screenshot: Delete DNS Record Pop-Up Highlighting the 'DELETE' Button